Is There A Secret Website To Make Money Online?

5 min readOct 22, 2021


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So, is there a secret website to make money online? The answer is “yes”. And the news gets even better. There are a number of websites which will enable you to make money online. If you don’t know about them, they will be a secret to you, won’t they?

There are different types of websites that provide you with an opportunity to make money. Some of these will pay you directly for performing specific tasks. Others provide you with a platform to promote or to sell your own products and services. In this post we will look at some of the best secret websites you can use to make money online.

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Survey Websites

If you want a way to earn some extra money completing small tasks then survey websites could be a good option for you. This is particularly true of you live in the United States. There are plenty of companies out there that will pay you for your opinion. They value your opinion highly, and will reward you for sharing your views.

They way this works is that you sign up to these websites and they will send you relevant surveys that suit your demographic. You can use these websites on a computer using a browser or a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. Some of the survey companies have their own mobile app that you can download and install.

Two of the best secret survey websites are Swagbucks and Survey Junkie. These sites have been in operation for a number of years and are trustworthy. You need to be careful with survey websites as there are some rogue ones around that will not pay you.

Both of these survey sites will pay you in cash via PayPal or in vouchers for stores such as Walmart and Amazon. Each time you receive a survey from them they will tell you the value of it. You should be able to complete each survey in just a few minutes. Survey sites will not make you rich but they can be a great way to earn a little side income.

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Secret Website to Make Money Online — Mechanical Turk

If you like the idea of completing small jobs online for money then a website like Mechanical Turk owned by Amazon may be ideal for you. No matter where you are in the world you can sign up to this website and then you will be able to choose from a list of tasks that people have added to the website.

Some of the tasks on Mechanical Turk only pay a few cents but they are very easy to complete. Again, you are not going to get rich using a website like Mechanical Turk, but if you do not currently have a job then you should be able to make a reasonably good income from it. They will pay you directly to your bank account.

A good alternative to Mechanical Turk is Microworkers. They offer similar tasks to Mechanical Turk but seem to pay a bit more. Microworkers is a very popular website now and it has been around for a number of years. Payments are made weekly or monthly via PayPal.

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Affiliate Marketing with

A lot of people are unaware of the power of The site receives around 160 million visitors each month and you can sign up for a free account and publish your own articles. There are a lot of people making very good affiliate commissions using Medium articles. is highly respected by Google and as a result a lot of Medium articles end up on the first page of the search results for certain keywords. This brings in a lot of additional traffic. You can write a general article around a niche and even review articles for specific products.

Another great website for affiliate marketing is If you don’t know what Quora is, it is a questions and answers website. People post questions on the site and others respond with answers. If you do this right, you can get your affiliate links in front of a lot of people. Quora receives over 550 million visitors a month so it is worth looking into this.

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Sell Freelance Services

Do you have a skill that you will sell to others in exchange for cash? There is huge demand for good writers as well as programmers and web development experts. These are just a few of the skills that you can easily offer on secret freelance websites.

One of the most popular freelance websites in the world is This is a website where you can create gigs to sell your services. When Fiverr first started you could only charge $5 for your service. Now the rules have changed and you can charge whatever you like.

Fiverr takes 20% of the revenue that you generate so you need to bear this in mind when you are setting your prices. You can be paid directly to your bank, via PayPal, Payoneer and other ways.

Final Words

Now that you know that there is at least one secret website to make money online it is time for you to take action. Choose from the recommendations we have made above and get started right away. Keep these websites to yourself so that they will be secret to others!

