How To Make Money With My Computer For Free
With a computer and access to the Internet you may have wondered “how to make money with my computer for free”. In this post, we will show you 4 proven ways how you can do this without having to invest any money.
The fact is that there are several ways that you can make money with your computer and an Internet connection for free. We have considered many of these methods and present you with what we believe to be the easiest and most lucrative ways for you to start using your computer to generate income.
Some websites might give you the impression that it is easy to make money online with a desktop or a laptop. To be honest, there will be work involved with any of the methods below that you chose. Don’t believe the hype that you can just click your mouse a couple of times and your computer will spit out money for you.
1. Help others as a Virtual Assistant
There are a lot of companies that need help with online tasks but do not want to employ someone full-time or part-time to do this. You can become a virtual assistant and provide support to a company or an individual all from the comfort of your own home.
Here are some of the tasks that you could be performing as a virtual assistant:
- Replying to or moderating comments
- Making simple social media posts
- Writing content
- Researching online
What can you expect to earn as a virtual assistant? Well, it depends what you are prepared to do. If you only want to handle the simplest tasks then you can expect to be paid anywhere from $2 to $5 an hour. If you are willing to do more then there are some virtual assistants that earn as much as $30 an hour.
You can find virtual assistant work using websites such as:
- Mechanical Turk (an Amazon service)
You will need to bid on specific virtual assistant offers from clients. The exception to this is Fiverr, where you can set up your own virtual assistant gig.
2. Use Fiverr to sell your Skills is a gig-based website which is free to join and you can sell your talents on it. It is a very large website that gets a lot of visitor traffic every month and you can sell your services for $5 and upwards. There is a lot of competition on Fiverr so you need to be smart about what you offer and how you promote your gig.
What skills can you offer Fiverr users? Are you good at writing? Can you provide virtual assistant skills? Do you have graphic design skills that you can sell to create logos and other visuals? Take a look at Fiverr and see what is being offered. Could you do the same job for less?
Once you get a foothold with Fiverr you will never look back. People will want to use your services again and again if you take care of them and provide high-quality work. There are some sellers on Fiverr that make a huge amount of money. You could be the next one.
3. How to make money with my Computer for free — YouTube
There are many ordinary people making incredible amounts of money uploading videos to their YouTube channel. People love videos and they love YouTube. So, give them what they want by uploading videos and monetize them.
You do not have to be a Hollywood producer to make videos. There is no need to invest money purchasing a good camera and microphone. It is possible for you to create videos very easily for free that will be in demand. It is all about views and watch time on YouTube.
If you want to make your own recordings then you can use your smartphone to do this. What is important is that you provide videos that answer questions or entertain. It is easier to do than you may think. Apart from advertising revenue, you can promote affiliate products and services as well.
4. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is promoting the products and services of others and receiving a commission when a sale is made. You can promote physical or digital products (or both) and you can do this for free.
You could start a website or blog on platforms like, or There are lots of other free platforms that you can use as well — just search on Google for these.
Alternatively, you can create product reviews on Medium is a high traffic website that has a lot of search engine love. This means that you have a good chance of ranking your product reviews on the first page of the Google search results for example.
Final Words
We have shown you 4 great ways of how to make money with my computer for free. Don’t just read this post and do nothing. Take action right now and start earning with your computer and the Internet. Lots of other people are doing this, and there is no reason why you can’t do it too.