Buildzy: A Video Site Builder

3 min readJan 8, 2021

Welcome to my Buildzy story. In this story, I will explain what Buildzy is, what it does and how it can help you to make money online. It is always my aim that you have all of the essential details that you need to decide whether Buildzy is the right product for you or not.

So What Exactly is Buildzy?

Buildzy is a new product from Igor Burban that launches on January 9, 2021 at 10am EST. This is a plugin for WordPress that creates popular “news like” websites automatically. It finds relevant content from hundreds of news sites and videos from platforms such as YouTube, Daily Motion and Vimeo. Buildzy will automatically curate the content for you.

My Story:

Igor provided me with the Buildzy plugin to test on a new WordPress installation. It was very straightforward to install the plugin and all of the settings made sense. I just entered a keyword and then set up a campaign using the RSS option. Within minutes, I had lots of great content on the site. This low priced plugin has so much to offer you.

I monetize my website and content with Adsense, affiliate offers, CPA offers etc. These kinds of websites tend to attract a lot of my visitors traffic, as they are popular with people. It provides me with the opportunity to earn significant Adsense revenue and commissions from related offers.

One of the best things about Buildzy is that it makes my content unique thanks to the built in text spinner feature. Google and the other search engines reward websites that add a lot of unique content with higher rankings. I already got a ton of organic traffic to my website through the search engines.

It is very easy to get Buildzy working. All that is necessary is to install the plugin on WordPress website. I customize the settings so that I have the website that I want. I do not need any technical skills whatsoever. The Buildzy plugin works with all WordPress themes.

I choose a main keyword for my news website and I am good to go. Buildzy will do the rest automatically for me. It will use my keyword to find relevant news content and videos to populate my website. I integrate my site with YouTube, Google Translate and Spin Rewriter to create the best possible content.

I got a high quality step-by-step training videos that shows exactly how to setup Buildzy so that it will work in the best way for me. I just set up a campaign and watch Buildzy populate my website with great content from credible sources.

Buildzy truly is a “set and forget” WordPress plugin that I use to populate my website with top-notch content that my visitors loved. The ability to make the content unique will ensure that the search engines pick up on my website and start to rank pages for free organic traffic.

If you want to know more my Buildzy story you can freely go here.

